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Show-daily MAKS-2021
Официальное издание международного авиационно-космического салона
Be-200ES in in Greece
The Russian Be-200ES aircraft will be used to fight wildfires in Greece. The corresponding agreement between the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection, responsible for organizing measures for fighting wildfires, and was PJSC ILYUSHIN officially signed in Athens. The agreement was prepared with the support of the representative office of Rostec State Corporation in Greece, initiated with negotiations between the Russian delegation, headed by the First Deputy Director General of Rostec Vladimir Artyakov, and the Greek Deputy Minister of Citizens Protection, Mr. Nikos Hardalias, in March this year.

Foreign countries regularly seek Russia’s help in eliminating wildfires. In 2020, a first contract for fire extinguishing services with a foreign customer was implemented, and Russian Be-200ES amphibious aircraft was received positively. This contributed to its promotion to foreign markets, both for providing services and for direct deliveries.

Be-200ES is the world's only amphibious jet aircraft, which provides undeniable advantages in speed when extinguishing fires. Be-200ES can take on board up to 12 tons of water. The aircraft has a good performance in terms of the number of water discharges per hour. For one refueling, the aircraft is capable of dropping up to 270 tons of water.
Show-daily MAKS-2021, №1 20 июля 2021 года (день 1)
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Be-200ES in in Greece
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Официальное издание международного авиационно-космического салона
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